Examine Yourself and Then..



We’ve all seen or read some form of this thought. Many of you strongly believe this tenet. So why do we continue to wallow in the relationship mistakes of the past? Some folks even join groups that focus intensely on relationship problems. Therapy is designed to delve deeply into your “psychological” problems. So if we are thinking about how we are plagued with our “problem” and we believe in the above statement – this means we are creating more & more of our relationship problem!! Law of Attraction is as simple as that! I’ll use myself as an example. I had failed relationship after failed relationship; therapist after therapist. Eventually I joined a support group where members shared very intensely about their troubled pasts in the area of love and family. I headed up this group in my town for years. I finally got sick of the analysis and was in sheer disgust & disbelief! I was stuck. Then I was introduced to & embraced the Law of Attraction and I realized that the analysis of one’s past is only Stage One in the process of completely letting go of the pattern. Once you understand why a pattern is created, the 2nd crucial step in the process is to Change Your Thinking!!! Everyone misses this step. Start focusing on what’s happy in your current life. Focus on images of a happy future. Start working towards a fun, unrelated project. STOP focusing on the “problem”! Because in reality, that problem only exists in your mind. Examine, learn, and then LET GO of it!


My guide eBook on Online Dating is available through Amazon/Kindle at the link below:





I stumbled across this saying today…


Sometimes an old love will pop into your mind years later and you can finally get some perspective. I think that a good percentage of the time, it is not clear why a person is or was in your life at that time. Remember this saying and challenges will be easier to swallow. Whether it’s a love, a boss, a parent, a child, a neighbor, a co-worker or a random acquaintance – that person was brought to your life purposefully. Trust that that purpose will be made clear.


My guide eBook on Online Dating is available through Amazon/Kindle at the link below:



When Someone Pushes Your Buttons…


We’ve all been there. A parent, a partner or spouse, your child says something that IMMEDIATELY pushes your button and you see RED!


Take a breath and leave the room for a moment. (Yes, this is the Best course of action). Take a moment to ask yourself – “Why does this type of situation trigger my anger so quickly?” Own the fact that your reaction comes with past experiences that may have nothing to do with that person or the circumstances today. You may be bringing baggage to the table from your past. Move passed the emotional reaction and respond to the person with “What are you requesting from me?” or ” What do you hope to accomplish by this particular interaction in this moment?”  Learn from your emotional triggers. This approach doesn’t always work but it certainly gives an option to an escalated screaming & name-calling conflict. Best of luck!


  • Need guidance on how to date “LoA-Style”? Private e-mail consultations are available for personalized guidance in your dating journey AND
  • If you are revamping your health/fitness/nutrition routine and are looking for an alternative to costly personal training sessions, I also provide weekly email fitness programs (Video assistance is also available) and basic nutrition guidelines tailored just for you. A unique system of accountability can be built into your fitness consultation program. Certified through the American Council on Exercise, Silver Sneakers and Jonny G. Spinning and a full-time personal trainer/instructor since 2007

Just contact me at vortexdating@gmail.com for a description of very affordable service packages and my link to PayPal.

My new eBook “Enjoy Online Dating Using the Law of Attraction” is NOW available exclusively through Amazon Kindle for under $10. (You don’t have to own a Kindle. Simply download the Kindle app to your phone or Kindle program to your PC for FREE)


It is the PERFECT guide to those Law of Attraction followers who are delving into the Online/Internet Dating world.

Ready for a Lesson in Growth?


I recently had a discussion with a close friend who had a “come to jes–” moment with me.


I described a recent dating experience in which a dating partner asked me to do something I had clearly defined as an activity that I don’t enjoy. I reiterated to him that I don’t like hiking outdoors & that he was welcome to go alone while I detailed my Jeep that day. My GF pointed out to me, “Chris, not every difference is a battle about changing you! You must recognize when a partner is just wanting to spend time with you doing something he enjoys and wants you to learn that side of him.”…Oh, I hadn’t considered that. Hmmm… the alpha female in me is always ready to do battle about “standing my ground” but dating & relationships is NOT about this. I see now that I had squandered a moment to learn something about him & grow closer instead of seeing only a difference that defined our separateness. Be wise and humble enough to learn from a dating partner. As Jason Mraz sings, “..You win some or learn some…”


  • Need guidance on how to date “LoA-Style”? Private e-mail consultations are available for personalized guidance in your dating journey AND
  • If you are revamping your health/fitness/nutrition routine and are looking for an alternative to costly personal training sessions, I also provide weekly email fitness programs (Video assistance is also available) and basic nutrition guidelines tailored just for you. A unique system of accountability can be built into your fitness consultation program. Certified through the American Council on Exercise, Silver Sneakers and Jonny G. Spinning and a full-time personal trainer/instructor since 2007

Just contact me at vortexdating@gmail.com for a description of very affordable service packages and my link to PayPal.

My new eBook “Enjoy Online Dating Using the Law of Attraction” is NOW available exclusively through Amazon Kindle for under $10. (You don’t have to own a Kindle. Simply download the Kindle app to your phone or Kindle program to your PC for FREE)


It is the PERFECT guide to those Law of Attraction followers who are delving into the Online/Internet Dating world.

Change and Re-Evaluation


“The one constant in life is…Change” or “A tiger never changes its stripes”. I’m sure you’ve heard both of these phrases at one time or another.

Change Letters

I have seen people change (including myself) as they experience life events and as wisdom is gathered. Do you have a sibling or good friend who changed drastically after they had children? Or maybe the same thing happened to someone you know after they experienced a divorce? Or maybe change just happened subtly as the decades passed?

What I find is that there are unique personality traits that MAY stay the same through life experiences but what ALWAYS changes are your priorities. When I was 18yo, my top priority was establishing who I was; establishing my identity. Years (and years) later, my top priority is being present for my son & staying fit. But friends & family will tell you that the adventurous, talkative, active & independent-minded girl hasn’t changed much.

Take a moment to reflect on what has changed about you and what has changed about your priorities. It will definitely affect what you look for in a dating partner and in dating experiences. Re-evaluate what and who suits you now as compared to last year or 3, or 5 years ago. You may find some surprises!


  • Need guidance on how to date “LoA-Style”? Private e-mail consultations are available for personalized guidance in your dating journey AND
  • If you are revamping your health/fitness/nutrition routine and are looking for an alternative to costly personal training sessions, I also provide weekly email fitness programs (Video assistance is also available) and basic nutrition guidelines tailored just for you. A unique system of accountability can be built into your fitness consultation program. Certified through the American Council on Exercise, Silver Sneakers and Jonny G. Spinning and a full-time personal trainer/instructor since 2007

Just contact me at vortexdating@gmail.com for a description of very affordable service packages and my link to PayPal.

My new eBook “Enjoy Online Dating Using the Law of Attraction” is NOW available exclusively through Amazon Kindle for under $10. (You don’t have to own a Kindle. Simply download the Kindle app to your phone or Kindle program to your PC for FREE)


It is the PERFECT guide to those Law of Attraction followers who are delving into the Online/Internet Dating world.

Perfect Timing



Have you heard the saying “It’s all about the Timing”? In the world of Law of Attraction this involves only one thing.


How READY are you be the person you imagine and accept the gifts of manifestation? The only thing that affects the timing of circumstances is your vibrational match-up to what you dream of. Stop longing; stop being discouraged; stop obsessing. Becoming a vibrational match to what you want involves relaxing about the topic & already KNOWING that it IS on its way to you. The closer you are to this state of mind – the closer you are to the manifestation…

Allow the Universe to gather the best components for WHAT you want and welcome the relationship (the job, the apartment/house, the circumstances) that you deserve and is a match for your future… THAT’S how it happens!


  • Need guidance on how to date “LoA-Style”? Private e-mail consultations are available for personalized guidance in your dating journey AND
  • If you are revamping your health/fitness/nutrition routine and are looking for an alternative to costly personal training sessions, I also provide weekly email fitness programs (Video assistance is also available) and basic nutrition guidelines tailored just for you. A unique system of accountability can be built into your fitness consultation program. Certified through the American Council on Exercise, Silver Sneakers and Jonny G. Spinning and a full-time personal trainer/instructor since 2007

Just contact me at vortexdating@gmail.com for a description of very affordable service packages and my link to PayPal.

My new eBook “Enjoy Online Dating Using the Law of Attraction” is NOW available exclusively through Amazon Kindle for under $10. (You don’t have to own a Kindle. Simply download the Kindle app to your phone or Kindle program to your PC for FREE)


It is the PERFECT guide to those Law of Attraction followers who are delving into the Online/Internet Dating world.

A Time to Reflect


Nothing beats strong emotion as an opportunity to learn about self. Whether it is great sadness, intense anger, confusion, frustration or overwhelming joy, experiencing intense emotion provides an excellent opportunity to examine yourself and learn what makes YOU tick.


In these moments of emotion, it takes an unusual awareness of self to rise above the moment and observe your own reactions and state of mind that arise out of circumstances outside of your control. Our job in this journey is not to learn how to control conditions and circumstances but to make sense of our emotional reactions. These reactions are normal & acceptable but it helps one to stay sane if you can remember, “I can learn about myself from this” and “My emotions last month on this date are hard to remember, this will also pass & be hard to remember”. Use emotional intensity as a unique way to learn how to stay grounded in calm & sanity.


  • Need guidance on how to date “LoA-Style”? Private e-mail consultations are available for personalized guidance in your dating journey AND
  • If you are revamping your health/fitness/nutrition routine and are looking for an alternative to costly personal training sessions, I also provide weekly email fitness programs (Video assistance is also available) and basic nutrition guidelines tailored just for you. A unique system of accountability can be built into your fitness consultation program. Certified through the American Council on Exercise, Silver Sneakers and Jonny G. Spinning and a full-time personal trainer/instructor since 2007

Just contact me at vortexdating@gmail.com for a description of very affordable service packages and my link to PayPal.

My new eBook “Enjoy Online Dating Using the Law of Attraction” is NOW available exclusively through Amazon Kindle for under $10. (You don’t have to own a Kindle. Simply download the Kindle app to your phone or Kindle program to your PC for FREE)


It is the PERFECT guide to those Law of Attraction followers who are delving into the Online/Internet Dating world.

Go Back or Move Forward?


Sometimes in romance/relationships, in fact in many areas in life, there is a point where circumstances put us at a cross roads. Do I return to a person, place, situation that I already know and am familiar with or do I move forward with a new person; or to a new place; or to a new circumstance?

Go Forward

This cross-roads can plague your mind and cause you much angst. People may offer advice. I will not give you an answer. I will only point out that life and learning never stop. Just like time – they are in constant motion forward. So even if you decide to stay in the familiar, you are not the same person you were when you first encountered that person, that job, that location so your experience will bring you new learning (or it should). Flip side, a new relationship, new job, etc. will bring new opportunities to create a new you as well. Make your decision with the intent to learn more, discover more, grow & change. In this way, you will never make a “wrong” choice because you will ALWAYS be moving forward.


  • Need guidance on how to date “LoA-Style”? Private e-mail consultations are available for personalized guidance in your dating journey AND
  • If you are revamping your health/fitness/nutrition routine and are looking for an alternative to costly personal training sessions, I also provide weekly email fitness programs (Video assistance is also available) and basic nutrition guidelines tailored just for you. A unique system of accountability can be built into your fitness consultation program. Certified through the American Council on Exercise, Silver Sneakers and Jonny G. Spinning and a full-time personal trainer/instructor since 2007

Just contact me at vortexdating@gmail.com for a description of very affordable service packages and my link to PayPal.

My new eBook “Enjoy Online Dating Using the Law of Attraction” is NOW available exclusively through Amazon Kindle for under $10. (You don’t have to own a Kindle. Simply download the Kindle app to your phone or Kindle program to your PC for FREE)


It is the PERFECT guide to those Law of Attraction followers who are delving into the Online/Internet Dating world.

Vetting – Know Your Priorities


Admittedly, there is a process of vetting involved in online dating but the process is MUCH easier, clear and straightforward than conventional dating. (Yay for ease!)

The 1st step in any vetting process is knowing your own priorities. Identify your vital 3 or 5 (or more) characteristics. How do you know which characteristics are vital? If you compromise on any of them, you will be compromising yourself & risking your future happiness. Of course, if you have 53 vital characteristics that you are seeking, this might need more thought….


These characteristics are not compromise-able. Knowing yourself well and feeling confident about your life choices is the key here. You can also create a secondary and even third-level list of desired characteristics which have differing levels of importance with room for compromise. Don’t judge yourself for your priorities. And remember that others will be more than happy to comment on your priorities. But it is YOUR life. The people drawn to you will have these characteristics because you will be clear about your wants & priorities. The Universe sends you what you focus on. I have seen this in my own life time and time and time again. Be clear and unyielding about your top priorities as your priorities become your life.


  • Need guidance on how to date “LoA-Style”? Private e-mail consultations are available for personalized guidance in your dating journey AND
  • If you are revamping your health/fitness/nutrition routine and are looking for an alternative to costly personal training sessions, I also provide weekly email fitness programs (Video assistance is also available) and basic nutrition guidelines tailored just for you. A unique system of accountability can be built into your fitness consultation program. Certified through the American Council on Exercise, Silver Sneakers and Jonny G. Spinning and a full-time personal trainer/instructor since 2007

Just contact me at vortexdating@gmail.com for a description of very affordable service packages and my link to PayPal.

My new eBook “Enjoy Online Dating Using the Law of Attraction” is NOW available exclusively through Amazon Kindle for under $10. (You don’t have to own a Kindle. Simply download the Kindle app to your phone or Kindle program to your PC for FREE)


It is the PERFECT guide to those Law of Attraction followers who are delving into the Online/Internet Dating world.

A Simple, True Love Story…



This is a story that you can probably repeat because it has happened to friends or acquaintances. A close GF shared the story of how how she met her husband online. This while over a cup of coffee with her adorable 1yo toddler sitting in the stroller next to us. While seeking pure “fun” without expectation and flitting about from one person to another like a butterfly to flowers, she met her future husband for a date one night & never left his house. They are happily married. She adopted his school-aged boy & they now have their toddler. She is intensely happy. We all have stories of friends just like this one. How does this happen?…

By focusing on the “what” rather than focusing on the “who”, you keep the door open for what you seek to enter your life.… Make an effort to just switch your thoughts to a description of what type of relationship you want to draw out of the Universe to you. When you can think more generally about relationships, you can usually get to more positive feeling place about what is coming to you. Keep that door open. Allow the Universe to gather the best components for WHAT you want and welcome the relationship that you deserve and is a match for your future… THAT’S how it happens!


  • Need guidance on how to date “LoA-Style”? Private e-mail consultations are available for personalized guidance in your dating journey AND
  • If you are revamping your health/fitness/nutrition routine and are looking for an alternative to costly personal training sessions, I also provide weekly email fitness programs (Video assistance is also available) and basic nutrition guidelines tailored just for you. A unique system of accountability can be built into your fitness consultation program. Certified through the American Council on Exercise, Silver Sneakers and Jonny G. Spinning and a full-time personal trainer/instructor since 2007

Just contact me at vortexdating@gmail.com for a description of very affordable service packages and my link to PayPal.

My new eBook “Enjoy Online Dating Using the Law of Attraction” is NOW available exclusively through Amazon Kindle for under $10. (You don’t have to own a Kindle. Simply download the Kindle app to your phone or Kindle program to your PC for FREE)


It is the PERFECT guide to those Law of Attraction followers who are delving into the Online/Internet Dating world.